As far as the genealogy files held at the French Home Office enable us to go, we find the Joinau-Baronnet Family in the prestigious areas of Bordeaux and Champagne since the X Century AD.
From blood and French nobleness of spirit, the family has shone in various fields such as knighthood, politics, literature, trade and not least of all, the wine business of these two most esteemed regions.

François Roger Joinau, born in Champagne, was alternatively bailiff, prosecutor and advisor of the King Louis XV. In 1715, he created the first connection between the wine and the family by helping wine growers during difficult harvests. He was the premier silent partner of the industry

Jean-François Roger Joinau retired early from his military career to become a successful politician, journalist, poet and dramatic author. A Member of Parliament and a member of the French Academy serving with the Commission of the Dictionary; he consistenly fought for the cause of freedom and was elevated Knight of the Empire in 1832. A man of taste and letters, he was the well-known and influential ambassador of the family’s second connection.

Jean-Baptiste Joinau was the first wine merchant of the family. He managed wine production as well as their distribution. His deep knowledge about wine earned him an invitation to attend the prestigious 1855 classification decree which created the symbol of the Bordeaux Classed Growths. Performing a vital marketing service by highlighting and promoting the region’s finest wines, he was the family’s third connection.

Etienne Baronnet was not only known for his feats of arms but also for his qualities as a businessman and collector, he had the honour to receive the “Military Cross” in 1956 for his achievements during the First and Second World War.
In 1922, he bought the Chateau “Les Granges d’Or”, Cru Bourgeois of
200 acres in Medoc which was the fourth connection.

Gregory Joinau-Baronnet worked for wine shops, wine merchants, co-operatives, importers and Chateaux since his early years of adulthood. Holder of a Master in Business Administration, he also advised private banks and high society in their wine investment. Today he develops production and trade activity selling high-class wines from Bordeaux in order to offer his experience, business network and extensive knowledge to make profitable his passion for wines of exception. He is the fifth connection.